Digitala escape rooms – 9 anledningar att använda dem i skolan

It can be difficult to keep students engaged in the classroom, especially when it’s time for revision. Digital escape rooms are an excellent tool that can be used in different learning situations.

In this article, we will introduce you to what digital escape rooms are, their benefits and why they are a great tool and learning method for your classroom.

What are digital escape rooms?

Digital escape rooms involve solving problems to move forward in an attempt to reach the goal/key to break out and complete the game.

They usually start with a scene and an introductory task. Once that task is solved, it provides the key (usually a code or number) to get to the next task. This continues until the last task or puzzle is solved and students can “escape”.

Here you can find hundreds of free digital escape rooms!

Why use digital escape rooms?

Benefits for students

  1. Digital escape rooms promote collaboration
    For any teacher, the sound of engaged excitement and chatter is music to the ears. A warning – it can get loud during digital escape rooms ! Students love working together so they can overcome any challenge. For competitive classes, I also recommend setting a timer at the front of the room for students to compete.
  2. Digital escape rooms promote problem solving, critical and creative thinking.
    The data provided are usually varied. Some may seem like normal task cards, while others involve a bit more problem solving or critical and creative thinking.
  3. Digital escape rooms are fun and engaging.
    Digital escape rooms are fun! Students are engaged because they love being challenged by the scenario. They like the new and different format of the lesson. They enjoy working with their peers while learning.

Teacher benefits

  1. No correction
    Why leave the best for last? Any activity that involves no correction has my vote! In digital escape rooms, students must enter the correct answer before they can move on. This means it is automatically corrected as they go. If they get the wrong answer, they know they have to go back and check their work.
  2. Full teacher responses included
    If students have difficulties, teacher responses can be helpful in guiding them in the right direction. Make sure that if you buy digital escape rooms, teacher responses for this exact situation are included. Sometimes the difference of a capital letter or a space can make all the difference in a digital form.
  3. Cheap and completely free on Escaply
  4. No preparation
    Any resource that doesn’t require me to do more work or preparation is an absolute win! Digital escape rooms generally only require you to share a link or access with students and the rest is done for you.
  5. Can be used every year
    Digital escape rooms can be used year after year, or class after class.
  6. It can be used in a variety of settings
    Because they are digital, these activities are very versatile and can be used in any learning environment with internet access. This includes classroom, online, home and distance learning.
  7. Digital escape rooms vs normalescape rooms
    Normal escape rooms are similar in that they have a scenario, task cards, a way to get out and escape.
    It is usually the way to get out that makes the difference. There is usually some kind of physical lock or key that unlocks a box or clue.Students love both types of escape rooms. But I prefer digital. Why?
  8. They are cheaper
    The first time I tried to set up a hands-on digital escape room, I greatly underestimated the cost of buying the various locks and keys and equipment. Even to make one with only 6 task cards, that means 5 different “locks” for each group participating. In a classroom with 28+ students, that’s a lot of materials and a big expense; buying a decent digital escape room costs around $4 – 8. These escape rooms can be used by any group and can be used over and over again each year or class. This is a much more affordable option.
  9. They require less preparation
    The preparation required to set up a hands-on escape room is intense. It is not as simple as printing the task cards. You need to think about how each task will be unlocked, set the materials in a specific order for each group, and think about how each group will move around the classroom.Digital escape rooms (generally speaking) require little or no preparation. For the ones I create, a link is shared with the students and then you’re good to go!
  10. They can be used in a wider variety of situations
    Digital escape rooms can be used for online learning, home learning, classrooms or distance learning situations. They are so versatile and do not require a teacher’s attitude.

Things to look for when buying digital escape rooms:

  1. What you need to make it work
    Is the internet the only thing required? Do students need to log in to a specific software or website? Do you need specific software on your devices?
  2. Full teacher responses
    You want to make sure that full teacher responses are included if there are any problems with digital technologies. This makes troubleshooting easier and also helps you feel prepared for the lesson.
  3. Cost
    Different teachers will have different budgets. But it is important to remember that a digital escape room is just a lesson. A great lesson! But still only one. For me, I would not want to spend over $5 for a lesson. Considering how many hours of preparation are required to create just one digital escape room, I definitely think that up to $8 is very reasonable. But as a teacher, I also know that you will have other lessons and topics where you may need to buy resources.
  4. Content
    Make sure the content fits your subject area and grade level. Although the product should have this clearly stated in the product description, once you have bought it, you should go through the answers and data and check that you have covered all the elements. Don’t worry if it’s a term or section you haven’t covered. You can either cover it in a lesson leading up to the digital escape room, or you can choose to give students the answer for that part.